We love Etsy, but lately we've noticed that counterfeit wedding dresses are even popping up on a site known for original, handmade goods. In upcoming wedding magazines you'll likely see some ads by national retailers cautioning brides against buying wedding dresses directly from Chinese manufacturers.
We've heard the horror stories from desperate brides who either don't ever get their wedding dress, or receive a terrible version of the original. Thanks to the Facebook page Brides Aware, we've found some awesome (by awesome we mean sad and terrible) photos of Chinese knockoff wedding gowns to share with all of you.
The original:
The knockoff version:
And finally, the most horrific:
If you plan to buy a knock off wedding dress, be sure to order VERY early in case you're not happy with the product. You'll want to have enough time to replace it. And be sure to Google reviews of the website you plan to buy from. But please know that these factories are working off photos of the gowns, and they don't have the same quality materials or even the patterns to work from.
I’m sorry, but that’s what happens when you want to be cheap. I mean if you know your getting married… know that the gown aka the bride is what everyone is looking at. And never trust something you can’t try on. You can find dresses in your area for any price range.
Yep, that’s what happens when you try to get a $5000 gown for, “Two Niney Nine…Niney Nine” from “Nice Dress Foh U”. What do people expect? Stop the madness.
There are SO many stories confirming why this is such a bad idea, yet folks still believe they’re going to get something for nothing. Don’t know what else to say.
Ladies, you’re so right. You do get what you pay for. Although it’s “just one day”, brides want to look their best, and that means buying the best within their budget. Thanks for stopping by!